Changelog ========= 0.1c1 - 2012-08-25 ------------------ * A few documentation fixes. Thanks Paolo Dina. 0.1b2 - 2012-05-08 ------------------ * Fixed problem with initializing the editor in FeinCMS when adding new content blocks. 0.1b1 - 2012-05-08 ------------------ * Textarea to editor conversion and live preview now also works for standard models, in collapsed fieldsets, added inlines and when switching tabs in FeinCMS pages. 0.1a2 - 2012-05-03 ------------------ * Added jQuery plugin for CodeMirror initialization and preview updating. Thanks to Gustav Pursche! * Improved usage and installation docs. 0.1a1 - 2012-04-27 ------------------ * Initial release including ``MarkupMirrorField`` field, ``MarkupMirrorTextarea`` and ``AdminMarkupMirrorTextareaWidget`` widgets and providing FeinCMS integration with ``MarkupMirrorContent`` Page content-type. Supported markup types are plain text, HTML, Mardown, reStructuredText and Textile.