.. _index: =================================== django-markupmirror Documentation =================================== **django-markupmirror** is a custom field and widget for editing markup text in Django. It utilizes the `CodeMirror`_ JS editor for a richer editing experience. It uses parts of `James Turk's`_ `django-markupfield`_ and adds a nicer widget with live-preview and an extension content-type for `FeinCMS`_. **Documentation** on Read the Docs: http://django-markupmirror.readthedocs.org/ **Code and issues** on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/fabianbuechler/django-markupmirror **Releases** on PyPi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-markupmirror .. _CodeMirror: http://codemirror.net/ .. _James Turk's: https://github.com/jamesturk .. _django-markupfield: https://github.com/jamesturk/django-markupfield .. _FeinCMS: http://www.feinheit.ch/media/labs/feincms/ .. note:: django-markupmirror is currently tested with Django 1.4 on Python 2.6 and 2.7 only, but with almost complete test coverage. .. include:: quickstart.rst Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation usage feincms * :ref:`modindex` .. toctree:: :hidden: quickstart Changelog ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changelog