Quickstart ========== * To **install** django-markupmirror, use `pip`_ and add ``'markupmirror'`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your `Django`_ project. * In your ``settings.py`` specify at least ``MARKUPMIRROR_DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE`` which is ``'plaintext'`` by default. * For the markup HTML-preview, you'll need to add markupmirror's URLs in your URLconf. In your ``urls.py`` add:: import markupmirror.urls urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^markupmirror/', include(markupmirror.urls.preview)), ) * Add one or more ``markupmirror.fields.MarkupMirrorField`` s to your models and define ``markup_type`` or ``default_markup_type``:: class ModelWithMarkup(models.Model): content = MarkupMirrorField( verbose_name="content", markup_type='markdown') * If you want the `FeinCMS`_ content-type model ``MarkupMirrorContent``, you'll also need to add ``'markupmirror.feincms'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. Also, you need to register the content-type model with FeinCMS' Page module:: from feincms.module.page.models import Page from markupmirror.feincms.models import MarkupMirrorContent Page.create_content_type(MarkupMirrorContent) By default, django-markupmirror comes with markup converters for plain text (converts links and linebreaks) and HTML (does nothing). Converters for `Markdown`_, `reStructuredText`_ and `Textile`_ are also available, but require 3rd-party libraries to be installed. However, you can register your own markup converters. .. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/ .. _easy_install: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall .. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _FeinCMS: http://www.feinheit.ch/media/labs/feincms/ .. _Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _Textile: http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/